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SYNTAX: SILENCER [d:] filename [[d:]filename] This program is not infallible, but it will quieten most programs. There are several ways to code sound in a program, but SILENCER checks for the most logical and common methods of accessing the programmable interface chip. The default filename for the new file is either (1) the letter Q is added to the file name, or (2) if the original filename is 8 letters long, the 8th letter is changed to a Q. If a file already exists by this name, SILENCER will permit you to quit without overwriting that file. You may specify a different filename for output when SILENCER is invoked. Make sure there is sufficient space on the specified drive to write the new file. The new file will be exactly the length of the old file. If you do a COMP/B OLDFILE.EXE OLDFILEQ.EXE, for example, you will see that the two files are identical except for some occurrences of E6 61 replaced by 90 90. =========================================================== BASIC PROGRAMS Note for compiled BASIC users: If the program you wish to silence is a compiled BASIC program which requires the runtime module (BRUN20.EXE, BRUN30.EXE, BRUN40.EXE) then it is the runtime module itself which needs to be silenced, not the compiled BASIC program! However, your BASIC program is not going to recognize BRUN40Q.EXE so you will have to rename it to BRUN40.EXE before the program will run. Because you can't have two files with the same name, the original BRUN40.EXE will have to be kept on a separate disk or directory. If your BASIC program is compiled as a stand alone program (with the /O option) and does not require a runtime module, then running SILENCER on the .EXE program will effectively silence it. SILENCER will have NO effect on source code, e.g., program with the extension of .BAS . If you want to silence BASIC programs run under an interpreter (e.g., BASICA or GWBASIC) the offending statements themselves need to be removed (or better yet, turned into a non-executed comment). These are statements such as SOUND, and PLAY. If compiled, however, SILENCER will effectively quieten these statement in the .EXE file. =========================================================== COMMERCIAL PROGRAMS As regards to the use of SILENCER on commercial programs, I have successfully used it on a number of them. The problem with commercial programs is that they often come in several parts (different files). The sound routines are typically located in overlay files. Thus, "silencing" the main executable program does nothing to eliminate the sound routines. In order to silence such a program you must (1) figure out which overlay file contains the sound routines, (2) silence that overlay, (3) give the silenced overlay the original overlay name (or else the main program won't be able to find it). This means you will have to erase or back up the original overlay file. For example, Leisure Suit Larry II comes with several "driver" files with the extension ".DRV". You would have to find out which ".DRV" file your particular machine uses, silence it, erase (or back up) the original ".DRV" file and rename the new driver to it's original name. Then, Leisure Suit Larry II would be silenced. Even more problematic are commercial program which have numerous sound routines in various overlay files. For example, one commercial casino gambling program has a sound routine in every game overlay (slots, poker, roulette, etc.). In this case, each module would have to be silenced and renamed before the program was completely silenced. Well written commercial program allow the user to turn off the sound. SILENCER was written because of the multitude of shareware program that don't allow the user this option. Personally, I don't use SILENCER any more. For a couple of bucks and a few minutes of time I installed a volume control on my computer's speaker. Now I can physically turn off the speaker or turn the volume down with 100% control over my sound. Beats me why this isn't a standard feature on more systems (my wife's Apple clone came with a volume control). I could automate the process of silencing commercial programs, but the probability someone would alter their original disk (instead of using backups) is high. Maybe I'll do it anyway some day. With enough caveats and assurance checking, it might have some utility. With that much programming effort, I might have to make it a shareware program (the current version of SILENCER is public domain). =========================================================== MAY 25, 1989 UPDATE: (1) added logic to avoid blanking a hex E6 61 sequence if it occured in data (not code). (2) added logic to detect when port 61H was being used to clear the keyboard. Avoids blanking the hex E6 61 sequence in this case (otherwise, a keyboard lockup will occur when the modified program is run). (3) if no noisemakers are found in the source program, the "modified" program (actually a duplicate of the original) is erased -- as always, the original program is untouched. * * * * * * * * NOTICE * * * * * * * * Although I have placed this program in the public domain, I intend to continue supporting it. If you find any program that SILENCER has trouble with, let me know. Of course, if it is a commercial program I don't have, I may not run out and buy it (after all, SILENCER is not generating any income!) But if you can legally send me a copy of the troublesome program, I'll be glad to work on it and get back to you. ----------------end-of-author's-documentation--------------- Software Library Information: This disk copy provided as a service of The Public (Software) Library We are not the authors of this program, nor are we associated with the author in any way other than as a distributor of the program in accordance with the author's terms of distribution. Please direct shareware payments and specific questions about this program to the author of the program, whose name appears elsewhere in this documentation. If you have trouble getting in touch with the author, we will do whatever we can to help you with your questions. All programs have been tested and do run. To report problems, please use the form that is in the file PROBLEM.DOC on many of our disks or in other written for- mat with screen printouts, if possible. The P(s)L cannot de- bug programs over the telephone. Disks in the P(s)L are updated monthly, so if you did not get this disk directly from the P(s)L, you should be aware that the files in this set may no longer be the current versions. For a copy of the latest monthly software library newsletter and a list of the 1,900+ disks in the library, call or write The Public (Software) Library P.O.Box 35705 - F Houston, TX 77235-5705 (713) 665-7017